Charity Films

We have been fortunate in life and it is time to give back. Our charity work is very much in it’s infancy but will develop over time. Our initial thoughts are broadly to provide a free basic 90 second film to charities in Kent. Charaties further afield will be asked to compensate us for our travel expenses only.

Your Charity

We invite submissions to have a free film made from any charity. Submissions will be considered at our monthly meetings and will be chosen based on our available time, the location of the charity and your goals and ambitions.

Our Offering

If selected we will discuss in further detail what your goals for a film are :- to raise awareness or raise funds. We will develop a “storyboard” and start to plan dates. The film will include all the shooting and editing within reason (if you need drone footage for this will need to be arranged at your expense direct with the operator who must be licensed and insured) and a basic music track. If you would like specific music this will have to be paid for.


A Film For Your Charity

Free Of Charge

From Different Perspective







Amazing Result

Expect awareness levels to rise and donations to increase.

Why a film will help you

A film engages people, develops a connection with them and demonstrates very clearly the work you are achieving.

It communicates your message

Word and photos do a fantastic job but a film takes it to another level entirely. It take viewers behind the scenes and connects with them emotionally.

Extensive Demographic Studies

Use your film to pull at the heartstrings of the audience. Why should they donate to your charity with so many others to choose from?

  • Donations up by 25% 25%
  • Website Traffic 50% 50%
  • Email Subscribers 60% 60%

The result of having a film can be amazing

The stats to the left are fictitious (until we gather real world data) but are what we believe to be very achievable. A free film from us can only help your charity and raise funds and awareness. It is a platform for you to raise your profile locally and have your film shared to a wider audience that you currently reach.

Apply Now

To be considered for a free film please send an email to David with a synopsis of why with the following information:-

Your name
Charity name
Year charity established
Where is the charity based?
Purpose of the charity
Annual donations in £
How will a film benefit you?